The Cambria County War Memorial Authority – 1ST SUMMIT ARENA – is soliciting bids to provide an insulated ice floor covering system for the ice surface of the 1st Summit Arena. Bids must provide for a panel system of polyurethane and fiberglass composite sheets that are a minimum of 48” wide x 96” long with a “waffle” bottom surface. The price should be based on a 200’ x 85’ ice surface to be covered by 525 waffle sheets and 4 solid sheets. Waffle sheets shall be 1” thick with standard e-skin top finish and waffle underside. All bids must provide for the price of initial installation including any necessary modification to the radius of Ice Floor Cover and installation training.
All bids submitted must be sealed and marked “Cambria County War Memorial Authority Ice Floor Covering System” and addressed to: 1ST Summit Arena at Cambria County War Memorial. 326 Napoleon Street, Johnstown PA 15904 – Attention: Jean Desrochers.
Information may be obtained by calling the Administration Office at (814) 536 5165.
Sealed bids will be received from now until January 24, 2025 at 1:00 PM. Bids will be opened at that time.
The Cambria County War Memorial Authority reserves the right to reject any, part of, or all bids, to waive any or all formalities in connection there with at its discretion and will be the sole judge in the decision as to which bid is most applicable and most acceptable.