August 26, 2024 NCRC



  1. Call to Order – Pledge of Allegiance/Moment of Silence
  2. Public Comments (5 Minutes)
  3. Election of Officers (Board Action Required)
  4. Approval of Minutes from the May 20, 2024, June 3, 2024, July 8, 2024, and August 5, 2024 meetings (Board Action Required)
  5. Treasurer’s Report
    1. Finance Report (Board Action Required)
  6. Committee Reports
    1. Veterans Committee
    2. Tomahawks Committee
    3. Finance Committee
  7. General Manager’s Report
    1. Financials
    2. Board approval needed – furniture
    3. Board approval needed – locker room stalls
    4. Board approval needed – concert trailers
    5. Board approval needed – construction clean up
  8. Executive Session
  9. Chairman’s Report – Chris Glessner
  10. New Business
  11. New Business
  1. Contract 2024-01 – General Construction – Pay Application #4Contract 2024-02 – Plumbing Construction – Pay Application #4Contract 2024-03 – HVAC Construction – Pay Application #4

    Contract 2024-04 – Electrical Construction – Pay Application #3

    Contract 2024-03 – HVAC Construction (Change Order #3) – Is for the installation of exhaust ductwork and new ductwork for the HVAC System along with cutting and patching existing penetration in the high wall.

    Contract 2024-04 – Electrical Construction (Change Order #1) – Is for adding new 4’ light fixture in Locker Room E and new panel light fixture in Visitor’s Locker Room.  Also, part of this change order is the relocation of the fire alarm in Locker Room E.

  1. Adjournment

Next Meeting September 23, 2024


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