July 8, 2024



  1. Call to Order – Pledge of Allegiance/Moment of Silence
  2. Public Comments (5 Minutes)
    1. John DeBartola
  3. Approval of Minutes from the May 20, 2024 and June 3, 2024 meetings (Board Action Required)
  4. Treasurer’s Report
    1. Finance Report (Board Action Required)
  5. Committee Reports
    1. Veterans Committee
    2. Tomahawks Committee
    3. Finance Committee
  6. General Manager’s Report
    1. Financials
    2. Approval of ADA safety railings (Board Action Required)
    3. Slapshot souvenir seats display (Board action required)
    4. Visitors locker room improvement (Board action required)
    5. Suite 5 improvements (board action required)
    6. Lounge renovations (board action required)
    7. Outside digital board (board action required)
  7. Executive Session
  8. Chairman’s Report – Chris Glessner
    1. Conference Center Agreement (Board Action Required)
    2. Election Nomination Committee (Board Action Required)
    3. Re-approval of Tudi Chiller repair quote Q95384 (Board Action Required)
    4. Review/Approval of 2024-2025 Meeting Dates (Board Action Required)
    5. Renovation contracts 2024-01, 2024-02, 2024-03 pay apps approval (board action required)
  9. Old Business
  10. New Business
  11. Adjournment

Next Meeting July 22, 2024


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