War Memorial Authority Board Meeting Minutes (April 25, 2022)


WMA Board Meeting

Stars and Stripes Room

326 Napoleon Street

Johnstown, Pennsylvania 15901

Monday, April 25, 2022




Present: Chris Glessner, Jess Anderson, Aimee Willett, Ken Jubas, Marty Kuhar, Josh Yoder, and Jean Desrochers.


Absent: Nicole Waligora


Also Present: Attorney Mike Parrish, Tom Kimlin, John DeBartola, and Lynne Fenchak.


CALL TO ORDER:  Chris Glessner called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.


PUBLIC COMMENTS:  John DeBartola discussed the recent fights in the local school.  He talked about the positives the Board has achieved.  He discussed current and past events.


APPROVAL OF PREVIOUS MINUTES:  Ken Jubas made a motion to approve the minutes from the March 28, 2022 meeting.  Jess Anderson seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.


TREASURER’S REPORT:   Tom Kimlin presented the Treasurer’s Report.  The most recent financials were reviewed. The cash balance is $155,559.95.  The third county appropriation was received.  The Profit and Loss statement for July 2021 through March 2022, was reviewed.  A motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report was made by Aimee Willett and seconded by Ken Jubas.  The motion passed unanimously.




Veterans:  The Vietnam Recognition Day was held on March 29th.  Thanks to Jean and his staff for their support.  On May 6, 2022, will be the Military Spouse Appreciation Day. Jess Anderson will be a speaker for this event.  There is a 3-year plan with Milkies Landscaping for the Veterans Park.  The Veterans account is going well.


Tomahawks:  Attendance for games is approximately 1500 per game. The Tomahawks are in Jamestown for two games.  The ice may not be pulled until mid-May due to events.


Facilities:  A motion to approve the first invoice from Altoona Roofing for material for $706,000 to forward to the County was made by Josh Yoder and seconded by Marty Kuhar.  The motion passed unanimously.


Finance Committee:  Nothing to report for this meeting.


GENERAL MANAGER:   Jean reported that the accountant position is still vacant.  CFO Strategies is currently handling the accounting duties.  An intern from IUP will be starting next week.  Lamar has increased their offer regarding the billboard.  The offer is $4,000 a year and 12% of advertising revenue.  It would be an estimated cost of $100,000 to get the billboard running if done in-house.  It was decided to table this until further research on doing this project in-house can be completed.  Recent events for April were discussed.  The Dustin Lynch concert was a sold-out event.  A dog pull competition was held at the NCRC and Tomahawks games were held in the arena.  The Tomahawks will not be holding tryouts at the arena, they opted to hold them in Pittsburgh.  There was only one bid received for the Wi-Fi process.  The bid was for $130,000.  The scope of the project was discussed.  Berry Solutions Group was the company submitting the bid.  Chris Glessner explained the process and what this  proposal will do to enhance the current network capabilities.  Mike Parrish indicated that grant money may be used to complete this project.  A motion was made by Aimee Willett to approve Berry Solutions Group bid, pending solicitor review and reference checks.  The motion was seconded by Ken Jubas and passed unanimously.


The Fitness Center project was discussed.  It would cost approximately $35,000.  A hockey parent has pledged a donation (from a family fund) of $10,000, the Tomahawks $5,000 and Warriors $5,000 for this project.  Further research will need done before a decision can be made.  The bid process would need to be utilized to get a plan designed and developed.  ADA compliance would also need to be looked into.


CHAIRMAN’S REPORT:  Chris Glessner touched on the staffing needs.  He ask if there would be two people hired for the finance area.  Jean responded yes. Grant money was discussed.  Jean was asked to create a budget for the $250,000 and $1,000,000 grants.


OLD BUSINESS:  Nothing to Report.


NEW BUSINESS:  Nothing to Report.


A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Josh Yoder.  The motion was seconded by Marty Kuhar and passed unanimously.


The meeting adjourned at 5:30 p.m.