War Memorial Authority Meeting Notes (November 22, 2021)

WMA Board Meeting

Stars and Stripes Room

326 Napoleon Street

Johnstown, Pennsylvania 15901

Monday, November 22, 2021




Present: Chris Glessner, Nicole Waligora, Jess Anderson, and Jean Desrochers.


Present by Phone: Ken Jubas


Absent: Aimee Willett, Marty Kuhar, and Josh Yoder


Also Present:    Attorney Pamela J. Wentz, Tom Kimlin, Derek Partsch, Chad Mearns, and Lynne Fenchak.


CALL TO ORDER:  Chris Glessner called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.




APPROVAL OF PREVIOUS MINUTES:  Jess Anderson made a motion to approve the minutes from the October 25, 2021, meeting.  Nicole Waligora seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.


TREASURER’S REPORT:  Tom Kimlin presented the Treasurer’s Report.  The most recent financials were reviewed. The cash balance is $124,629.30.  The Profit and Loss statement for July through October 2021, was reviewed.  The Ordinary Income was $22,567.12 plus the Interest Income of $29.67 minus the Other Expenses of $2,777.01, leaves a Net Income of $19,819.78.  A motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report was made by Nicole Waligora and seconded by Jess Anderson.  The motion passed unanimously.



Veterans:  Musuem Curator Warren McKinney passed away.  He was curator for over 30 years as well as a 49 year season ticket holder.  The Tomahawks will be honroing him.  The hockey tournament was a success.


Tomahawks:  The Tomahawks are 6th in the league in attendance and their current record is 10-7.


Facilities Committee: Jean Desrochers reported the County will have an engineering firm complete the pressure test soon on the sewer system.  The perimeter of the roof has been finished, all went well.  Quotes for the entire roof have been received, awaiting County decision.  The ice machine broke.  Jean is working with Superior to replace.  A new industrial ice maker will be needed.  A motion was made by Jess Anderson not to exceed $2,500 for a new ice maker.  Nicole Waligora seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.


Finance Committee:  Nothing to report for this meeting.  Mitch Azar is compiling a list of Covid expenses for the Shuttered Venue Grant for the next meeting.


GENERAL MANAGER:  The financials will be presented next month.  Jean Desrochers reported on the 1889 Foundation grant and plans to utilize the funds.  Uses include introducing hockey to underprivileged children and STEM nights will be looked at, as well as the availability of Ticket Wish money.  He is hopeful this will be a annual grant.  Jean Desrochers also reviewed shows that have been booked and those in the planning stages.  Jean Desrochers introduced Chad Mearns.  He has accepted the position as Box Office/Marketing Manager.


CHAIRMAN’S REPORT:  Chairman Glessner discussed an e-mail received regarding a second round to Shuttered Venue Grant money.  This will be researched further.  The ice rental policy and cancellation due to Covid was reviewed.






A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Nicole Waligora.  The motion was seconded by Jess Anderson and passed unanimously.


The meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m.