War Memorial Authority Board Meeting Minutes (March 28, 2022)


WMA Board Meeting

Stars and Stripes Room

326 Napoleon Street

Johnstown, Pennsylvania 15901

Monday, March 28, 2022




Present: Chris Glessner, Nicole Waligora, Ken Jubas, Marty Kuhar, Josh Yoder, and Jean Desrochers.


Attendance by telephone:  Jess Anderson


Absent: Aimee Willett


Also Present: Attorney Pamela J. Wentz, Les Crooks, Tom Kimlin, Derek Partsch, John DeBartola, Dave Sutor, and Lynne Fenchak.


CALL TO ORDER:  Chris Glessner called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.


PUBLIC COMMENTS:  John DeBartola thanked the Board members for their time and efforts.  He discussed his Right to Know Request and requested the Board perform an audit from the outside.  He thanked Jean Desrochers for spending time to answer his questions. He appreciates the discussion with Jean and his openness.


APPROVAL OF PREVIOUS MINUTES:  Marty Kuhar made a motion to approve the minutes from the February 28, 2022 and March 14, 2022 meetings.  Jess Anderson seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.


TREASURER’S REPORT:   Tom Kimlin presented the Treasurer’s Report.  The most recent financials were reviewed. The cash balance is $196,561.75.  There were no significant changes.  The Profit and Loss statement for July 2021 through February 2022, was reviewed.  The naming rights income was the only change.    A motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report was made by Nicole Waligora and seconded by Kenny Jubas.  The motion passed unanimously.




Veterans:  The Vietnam Recognition Day will be held in the lobby and concourse.  The committee anticipates approximately 200 attendees.  As reported last month, the display cases will be looked at in the Spring.  Marty indicated the Military Hall of Fame will be held in 2023.  Seat plaques continue to come in.


Tomahawks:  The Tomahawks played two home game in March and will play two in April.  The Tomahawks are in the midst of an interesting playoff race.  Average attendance was great in March.  Season ticket information for next year will be released soon.  seven games recently.  They are second in the division.  The next home game will not be until the middle of March.  Jean indicated the ice would not be coming up until mid-May.


Facilities:  The Commissioners approved the roofing project.  They ask the Board pay the current bill and they would reimburse the Board.  A motion to approve payment of the $56,000 to Altoona Roofing for the perimeter roof work with County reimbursement was made by Kenny Jubas and seconded by Marty Kuhar.  The motion passed unanimously.


Finance Committee:  Nothing to report for this meeting.


GENERAL MANAGER:   Two companies attended the walk through for the bid for the Broadband.  Bids are due April 1, 2022.  Events that were held over the last four weeks were reviewed.  Upcoming events were discussed.  The fitness center project was discussed. The EADS group will look at the area to see what work is needed.  NCRC projects were discussed.  The solicitor will look into these.  Zamboni repairs were discussed. Jean was asked to get quotes for a new machine.  Glass for the arena was purchased.  Jean discussed upgrades for the NCRC.  The cost would be approximately $10,000.  Jean was asked to get additional quotes and an updated quote from 32 Degrees.  The Billboard project was discussed.  Jean indicated Lamar has offered $4,000 annually to do the advertising.  Jean was ask to do exploration on pricing and look into possibly handling the billboard in-house.  Jean brought up Elmer Laslo being honored by the Cambria County Business Hall of Fame on April 29th.  The deadline for advertising in the brochure is April 1st, therefore, an emergency motion was needed as the next Board meeting is not until April 25th.  A motion was made by Marty Kuhar and seconded by Nicole Waligora for placement of a half page ad to support this event.  The motion passed unanimously.


CHAIRMAN’S REPORT:  Chris Glessner indicated the EADS group did a preliminary sketch for the locker room.  The project will take a year to complete.


The County has received quotes for the sewer project; however, dates have not been received.  The County is good with the roof project.  Payments will be made by the Board with County reimbursement.


OLD BUSINESS:  Ethics statements are due after the meeting.


NEW BUSINESS:  Nothing to Report.


A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Ken Jubas.  The motion was seconded by Nicole Waligora and passed unanimously.


The meeting adjourned at 5:33 p.m.